The month of Iyar

Words from Judy Weingrod, a spiritual caregiver and artist in Haverut for the month of Iyar

We have now arrived into the month of Iyar, the month of integration. Last month’s spiritual focus was on freedom, this month takes that freedom and brings it back down into our roots to be integrated and grounded within us.
Iyar links the months of Nissan and Sivan through the counting of the Omer, the forty-nine days between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot.
In ancient texts, three names are used for the month of Iyar:
1. The second month – this reference appears in the Torah, as Iyar follows the month Nissan, the first month.
2. Ziv – representing the outstanding light and brilliance. The splendor of the trees, the brilliance of the flowers and blossoms. A special light, an expansion of radiant energy.
3. Iyar – explained by Kabbalah as an acronym: alef-yud-resh: I am God Your healer.
It is said that in the month of Iyar the gates of healing are open to us, may it be an invitation to each and everyone of us to heal that which needs healing.
A Safe Place
As a Spiritual Care/Artist provider I have been working in the Pediatric/CF day clinic at Mount Scopus, Hadassah Hospital. Every Sunday children of all ages arrive at the clinic. Some for the first time others for follow up visits including medical testing of all sorts, administration of infusions, inhalations and sometimes hospitalization. Throughout the day children and parents check out the school room where we offer a protected space to engage in art-making. Inviting children and parents alike to tap into their natural creative source. Some children come running through the door returning to a place they know and look forward to, for others it may be there first visit to the hospital or art room and a sense of apprehension prevails (for child and parent alike). As a child sits down ready to engage in art a parent might leave the room (waiting outside not to miss their turn in line to see the doctor), watch over him and offer encouragement, while others take advantage of the opportunity to create art with their kids or make something of their own. I am always amazed at how we too as adults need time to play and create. Participating in art-making within a medical setting can be very healing. Transforming an experience that can be very stressful and frightening into a positive one. One becomes part of an environment where play, imagination and feelings can flow freely. A place where the child is in control and in charge of his own work. The room and the creative process offer an opportunity for a “safe place” while waiting for medical treatment.

I would like to share some recent work done by wonderful young artists from the Pediatric day clinic. The works reflect the theme of creating a “safe place”.

כנס חברות 2025

9.7.25 | י”ג תמוז התשפ”ה

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