We welcome your contribution

To donate by credit card

To donate by direct debit (hora’at keva)

To donate via JGive

To donate by check

Please make checks out to Haverut And send to:

POB 4553 Jerusalem
9108002 Israel

To donate by bank transfer

Bank Leumi – 10
Branch 912
Account number: 23110034

Please send an email to office.haverut@gmail.com with the confirmation of the transfer so that we can send you a receipt.

To Donate through PEF

Donations via PEF are tax deductible for US donors

All the information and ways to donate are here

Please specify the donation is for Haverut- 513958157

Haverut has clause 46 status for tax deductible purposes

Your donation can be dedicated to a specific project. Please write to us.

כנס חברות 2025

9.7.25 | י”ג תמוז התשפ”ה

מלון נווה אילן