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Annual Conference
Connecting the world of medicine with the spirit and our quest for meaning
Haverut’s annual conference reflects our profound belief, shared by the Rambam and Leonardo Di Vinci, for example, that bringing together the worlds of medicine and spirit are in the best interest of both.
Answering a need arising from the field, philosophers and thought leaders step away from their desks and out of the library to engage with treatment providers, helping conceptualize how to translate big ideas into best practices in treatment and empathy.
Medicine improves by drawing from concepts propounded by major thinkers in the arts and philosophy. These cross-fertilizations nourish and promote humanity.
Haverut brings professionals from the medical, nursing, treatment, spiritual care, and welfare professions together with leaders in spiritual thought and philosophy for a powerful encounter; one that draws some 300 attendees each year.

Connecting strength and our quest for meaning
Past speakers include Prof. Moshe Halbertal, Matty and Amiah Liebleich, Dr. Sagit Arbel-Alon, Rabbi Daniel Epstein, Dr. Morit Be’eri, the poet Agi Mishol, Mia Tevet Dayan, and more
Each year, one of the highlights of the day is a series of workshops, facilitated by Haverut staff and partners, which draw on various aspects of inspiration and creativity – music, art, movement, writing, and so on.
The conference is a gift to those who dedicate their lives to caring for others. It is an opportunity to recharge, to be re-inspired and renewed, to connect to a growing community of those who speak Haverut’s language of the spirit.
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Rikma Program for spiritual caregivers, in collaboration with the Shamir Hospital (Asaf Harofeh) Nursing Academy.
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Medical Education and Workshops
Seminars and lectures in various medical education frameworks, on developing compassion for and connection to patients, coping with loss, and so on.
Workshops and Seminars

Development and facilitation of workshops and seminars for health care and welfare staff. We create a safe space in which to process, grow, learn, and become enriched through the use of a variety of spiritual resources.